Monday, April 16, 2012

Body Mass Index Calculator

Even if the number on the scale is something you think you can live with, you still need to consider your Body Mass Index. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) defines it like this: Body Mass Index (BMI) is a number calculated from a person's weight and height. BMI provides a reliable indicator of body fatness for most people and is used to screen for weight categories that may lead to health problems.

The Mayo Clinic has this easy-to-use BMI calculator which will tell you what your current condition really means to your health.

What’s your BMI?


Mary said...

Based on my weight this morning my BMI is 27.5. The only issue with BMI is that it doesn't take into account % body fat. Steve, even at his leanest, has an "overweight" BMI. For me personally, though, BMI is a good index. I know where I need to be to look & feel healthy and it's definitely within the "normal" BMI range for my height. (easier said than done)

D. Steven Lee said...

Just to be clear I was listed as an over weight BMI when my body fat % was 9% at the time while I was in college. So it needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

Ian said...

I'm borderline overweight mainly because of my ridiculous biceps. 24.9... pythons.

Ian said...

to clarify... 'ridiculously LARGE biceps'

Mary L. said...

lmao, Ian! I think you had it right the first time (ridiculous biceps) and 24.9 is more like the circumference of your head (the one that sits on your neck.. don't even try and go there. lol)