Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Mary from Miami Thanks Noah - Easter Candy

Noah, I think you really hit the nail on the head with your Food 2.0 post. I've noticed that skinny people don't obsess about food like I do. They really see it as nourishment, period. I really enjoy it. I see it as a reward, as a way to relax, as a way to celebrate, the list goes on.

While I'm not in the competition, I, too, recently committed to losing weight. Today, I had to take my kids to an Easter party after school. First let me say, that 95% of the moms at my kids' school are in awesome shape. (granted most of them don't work and have time to workout 2 hours or more daily.) Anyway, all my favorite foods were at this party. Cookies (home made), Peeps!, tons of candy, chips... if it has partially hydrogenated oils in it, I'm loving it... you get the picture. I was DYING inside! I'm proud to say that I was good and stayed away, but it was an incredible effort. As I watched the food table (drooling), though, I noticed that none of the skinny moms were anywhere near it and it didn't even look like it was a challenge for them to stay away!

Anyway, sorry for the long comment! Your post obviously touched me deeply. : ) Keep up the good work! - Mary from Miami

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