Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Who is the new El Cuban Gordo? Pete Meyers!

The 2nd El Cubano Gordo challenge concluded Sunday morning in Miami, Florida.

Overall El Cubano Gordo Champion

Pete Meyers, a huge underdog entering the challenge engineered a fantastic victory by losing 9 pounds over the three month long contest and completing the Ameriprise Triathlon in 1:30 for a combined 9 Fat Is Wack Points.

Weight Loss Champion

The weigh-in portion of the competition occurred on Friday night with a pork-filled celebration at Frankie's apartment. I walked away as weight-loss champ after losing 15 pounds. Chris Brand came in a close second after losing 14 pounds.

Triathlon Champion - Tom Hughes

After several large meals 7 Fat Is Wackers participated in the Ameriprise Sprint Triathlon in Key Biscayne. The course is comprised of a quarter-mile ocean swim, a 12-mile bike over the Rickenbacker Causeway and a 3.1-mile run through Crandon Park. Tom Hughes emerged the Tri Champion with a 1:27 minute finish.

Pete, Chris, Tom & Al Post Run

Pete and Mary Lee (Pre-Twins)

The 1st El Cubano Gordo Champ from 2007 (Steve Lee)
makes an appearance...still looking good 12 months after the original contest.

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