Monday, April 2, 2012

Upcoming NYC Races

Maybe winning ECG VI isn’t your ultimate goal, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give the leaders a run for their money. Literally—run for 3 bonus point by completing the April 22 Run for the Parks 4 mile course through Central Park.

Or take advantage of a last-minute calorie burning boost before the last weigh in on April 30 by completing this 4 mile race:


annieb said...

I will do the 4/22 run through the park! Even though I can pretty much only run 2 miles...anyone? anyone?

Ian said...

For the Miami folks bonus points, the corporate run in Miami is April 26th... i'll be there! Don't show up 15 minutes late or I'll already be FINISHED with the race! (not really but I thought it would be cool to say it--then it turned out to be not that cool)

Ian said...

And yes, i plan to complete the challenge and steal Sandy's bonus points so get your complaint forms ready. Glad no one reads these comments.

Ian said...

Rats! I've heard someone already secured the EXTRA bonus points from Sandy... which means I am now in protest of the extra bonus points! lol

Mary L. said...

Sneaky sneaker sneaking around the other sneakers! lol
You people are all deplorable! LOL How about winning the competition out of your own merit? Does eeryone realize that 3 points is the equivalent of 3% body weight loss? I still stand by my original thought - Sandy earned those points and should keep them!