Monday, January 30, 2012

Welcome back gordos and gordas!

Welcome back gordos and gordas!

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Sandy and I’ll be your ECG VI moderator for the next 12 weeks. I know that participation/commitment levels vary among the group, so hopefully my posts will motivate you to do your best, whatever that may be, throughout the competition.

Last year, I lost over 25lbs—almost 13% of my body--doing ECG, and thanks to continued workouts and making exercise a priority since last April, I’m close to my same weight and wearing the same size as I was when I finished ECG V.

You wouldn’t know it by looking at me, but I still workout 5-6 times per week and I run anywhere from 8-16 miles per week—I’m not saying this to brag, it’s to show how I’ve made fitness a priority and to show that age/job/whatever is no limitation for getting healthy. I’ve found the things that work best for me (thank you, Physique 57 DVDs) and I know where my pitfalls are (hello, binge drinking at The Blarney Cove!). Still, I’m feeling good physically and mentally, and that is priceless.

Please feel free to email me anything you want brought up on the blog, or even an achievement you want highlighted among the group. Let’s be here to support each other as we do what we can to improve our health and lives.


P.S. For those in the NYC-area who want to start earning bonus points—how about one or both of these races? Walkers welcome!

Cupid’s Chase 5K in Manhattan (Hudson River Park at Charles Street) on Saturday, Feb 11. Start time 10am, entry $35. More details:

Valentine’s Day 5K in Prospect Park, Brooklyn on Sunday, Feb 12. Start time 10am, entry $21. More details:


Mary L. said...

Thanks Sandy! I admire you for being able to make fitness a permanent priority. For me, ECG helps remind me to make it a priority (again)... I tend to fall off the wagon around labor day every year. lol

annieb said...

Sandy, you're the perfect person to moderate! I would do either one of those 5Ks with you, but I might embarrass you with my out-of-shapeness.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

oh and Sandy, one other thing -- could you fix the clock to be ET?

Anonymous said...

wow. well done chairman on removing comment 3 in such short order.

Ian said...

This is a good START Folks! Thanks Sandy! I started last year at 168. This year I'm starting at close to 173.... um, that sucks lol. Next year, we should consider a penalty for next year's start if you weigh more than 10% more than you ended last years competition. Like you pay more money to join or are penalized a point and MUST complete a road race? I'm just hoping the corporate run down here in miami coincides with our competition... I'll check the dates! Good Luck all - we can beat Steve! We can do it! lol

La Cubana Gorda said...

We should all compete or in my case try to complete the sprint triathlon in May. This year it's May 20th 2012. Who's in?!

Anonymous said...

I'm psyched to see so many comments already! Let's not beat ourselves up about where we are now, but one day at a time, let's do the best we can. Stay tuned--I plan on blogging a lot and am open to suggestions on what people want to see here!

Anonymous said...

you forgot to put "minus 1" after "psyched to see so many comments already!"

Ian said...

I'm IN for the May 20th Tri - i think.